Plícia e Cris são idealizadoras do Ballet da Felicidade, um projeto inspirador realizado em Salvador (BA). O outro integrante dessa turma do bem é o Bruno, que topou participar de uma surpresa no palco do Hora do Faro, para todo o Brasil. Sem saber do que estava por vir, a Cris encarou um desafio de dança contra uma pessoa fantasiada de elefante. O que ela não imaginava era que esse “elefante” era um velho conhecido. Difícil segurar as lágrimas. Assista!
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Husband Caught Cheating – What Should You Do?
It is so agonizing to feel the pain and disappointment when you find out the person you love the most has cheated on you. Nobody will wish their spouse to cheat on them. If your husband was caught cheating, what should you do?
How to Tell If Your Partner is Cheating on You – Signs to Look For to Spot InfidelityYou need some ways to tell if your partner is cheating on you. You have no idea what signs to look for and you need to learn now. You don’t want to have this lump in your stomach and throat anymore. You want to heal the hole in your heart and move in with your life, but first, you need the truth and some helpful ways to detect an affair.