Gabriel Medina no BBB? Surfista cogita possibilidade e brinca: “Seria tipo Scooby”

Durante entrevista exclusiva ao ‘TV FAMA’, Gabriel Medina revelou se entraria no Big Brother Brasil e imaginou como seria sua participação se estivesse com um dos seus melhores amigos, o jogador Neymar Jr.

“Me dá um pouco de medo mas seria engraçado. Ás vezes, eu brinco com o Neymar que se a gente tivesse no BBB seríamos tipo Scooby e PA, com certeza”, disse o surfista. Confira! #TVFAMA

The Grocery Store Fish Story

So there we were – wandering up and down the aisles of the grocery store picking out the items annotated on our must have list. Everything on the list (except milk) had to have specific ingredients designed to make the 50 year old plus tongue (senior taste buds) register taste. You know things like black fine grind pepper, hot sauce, jalapenos, cayenne pepper, extra bold this, zingy flavored that and so on our shopping went.

Electronic Kids Toys

It is important for young children to be continuously learning, discovering and improving their skills. With the latest electronic kids toys, it makes it very easy for our children to do just that. Learn while still having fun.

Choosing the Right Food for Banquet Catering

If you are the person that has been assigned to arrange for the banquet catering for your event you have a big responsibility. No matter what the occasion may be, when there is food that is going to be served there are always high expectations.

Class Reunion Party Favor Ideas and Tips

Party favors may be small, but they really add a lot to a class reunion. Class reunion favors should be customized with school colors or logo or mascot and should be a practical item that can be used on a daily basis.

How to Become a Jigsaw Puzzle Expert

This detailed guide will teach you strategies, tips and hints to becoming great at jigsaw puzzles. Start at 500 pieces and work your way to 5000 in no time!

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