Mileide Mihaile e Rico Melquiades ajudam a mulherada a descolar ‘um partidão’ | Vai Dar Namoro

A mulherada chegou com tudo e desfilando no programa. E Rodrigo Faro disse que no Vai Dar Namoro tem pretendente para todo mundo. E durante a apresentação dos candidatos, as elas poderão pedir os conselhos amorosos dos ex-peões Rico Melquiades e Mileide Mihaile. Inclusive, a conselheira foi a primeira a passar no crivo da máquina da verdade, que está de volta ao palco. E quem não for bem nas cantadas vai passar um tempinho no mundo da “Chapeuzinho Vermelho”.

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My Husband Is Still Having An Affair, So He’s Not Interested In Fixing Our Marriage

“The last several weeks have been so difficult. I was so shocked and hurt to find out that my husband has been having an affair. And if this was not bad enough, he’s not sure that he wants to end it. I have begged him to be done with the other woman so that we can save our marriage. He won’t make that commitment. He is not sure that he wants to end the affair. He says that he is now emotionally invested in the other woman. I’m not proud of this, but I asked him to work on our marriage anyway. He refused to make any commitment. He said that he can’t really think about our marriage until he decides what he wants to do about the affair. How can I make him work on our marriage right now? I feel like if we work on our marriage, then it will become obvious to him that he needs to end the affair.”

I Truly Don’t Understand Why My Spouse Had An Affair

“I honestly just don’t get why my husband had an affair. The other woman is older than him and not attractive. I honestly believe that we had a good marriage. We laughed and had fun all of the time. Our sex life was very good. I also believe that my husband loves me and did at the time of his affair. I have gone over our life with a fine tooth comb and I can’t uncover anything that might have driven my husband to cheat on me. I have asked him repeatedly why he did this and he truly doesn’t have any answers for me. He can only answer that he just doesn’t know. And he will then say that he is fully aware that he made a mistake and he begs for me to forgive him. I can’t even consider forgiving him unless I understand why he did this. Can someone please explain to me why a man who looked like he was happily married had an affair?”

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