Pretendente usa cantadas individuais para impressionar as meninas| Vai Dar Namoro

Leonardo já entrou no palco fazendo “estrelinha” e já emplacou uma cantada dizendo que faz administração de empresas, mas que preferia administrar o coração de uma das meninas. Rodrigo pediu para ele imitar os sons do programa e o rapaz mandou bem. Depois ele fez um xaveco individual para cada moça e impressionou todo mundo. Rico Melquiades disse que ele foi o melhor candidato, em cantadas, de todos os programas, mas ainda assim, ele foi para o mundo da “Chapeuzinho Vermelho”.

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My Spouse Doesn’t Seem Interested In Returning Home After His Affair

“One of my husband’s coworkers who is also my friend told me that he was having an affair with one of his women colleagues. I had hoped that my friend was just wrong. But she wasn’t. As soon as I confronted my husband, he admitted it pretty much immediately. I was so angry with him that I said some pretty mean and awful things so we got into a huge fight. My husband grabbed a few clothes and he left. And he has not been back since. We’ve been in contact a couple of times but when we are, my husband never discusses coming home. He swears that he is not with the other woman. But if this is true, why doesn’t he want to come home? Does his not even attempting to come back mean my marriage is over? Because I can’t not think of a reason that he wouldn’t want to come home unless he just doesn’t care about me or our marriage any more.” I will try to address these concerns below.

My Spouse Supposedly Broke Off The Affair, But I Don’t Think He’s Over It

“When I demanded that my husband end his affair, he did so. And after this, he did start coming home on time and staying home. I do believe that he’s no longer participating in the affair. However, at the same time, I don’t think that he is really over it. He often just walks around and has a faraway look on his face. The other day, I looked at the history on our computer and saw that he was looking at the other woman’s Facebook page. He’s obviously trying to keep tabs on her and see what or how she is doing now and this bothers me. When I mention this to my husband, he says he’s not sure what else I want from him. He says he is not longer in contact with her and they no longer have a relationship, but that he can’t help the way that he feels. How can we move forward in our marriage when he isn’t really over the affair? Will he ever get over it? Does our marriage even stand a chance if he’s not really over this other woman?”

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