Perfil de Guilherme de Pádua é analisado por psicóloga: “Característica de psicopatia”

O perfil psicológico do assassino condenado de Daniella Perez foi analisado pela psicóloga Suzy Camacho a pedido do TV Fama. Segundo ela, Pádua tem características de um psicopata, já que tudo foi extremamente calculado por ele.

6 Signs of a Cheating Wife – How to Know If Your Wife Has Cheated

Compared to men, women are quite cunning when it comes to concealment of secrets especially those concerning secret love affairs. This is so much to an extent that they can manage to so successfully keep their best friend in the dark when they are cheating. However, though there are a number of cheating signs that might not be so obvious, picking out unusual behavior and extracurricular activities even from the craftiest cheats is quite easy since it only requires one to learn how to identify them. The following are some of the common signs of a cheating wife.

The Right Ways to Win Back an Ex

Once people find out that you are out to win back your ex, some would certainly say why you have to do so when you actually have the option to look for another person to have a relationship with. However, when it comes to relationships and feelings, there is no doubt that you are captain and no should ever try to stop you if you are already sure about what you are doing.

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