A mulherada veio com tudo para conquistar um novo amor. E nesta edição, os conselhos amorosos ficaram por conta da empresária Sylvia Araújo, mais conhecida como Sylvia Design, ao lado do já veterano Rico Melquiades, vencedor da última edição de A Fazenda. E os rapazes que levarem um toco vão direto para o “castelo dos horrores” do Vai Dar Namoro
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Thinking of Having an Affair? Think Again!
Infidelity is always a bad idea. Passion is temporary. The grass is not greener on the other side.
We Can’t Seem To Communicate After My Husband’s Affair: Insights To Get You Talking AgainI heard from a wife who said: “my husband had an affair with one of my close friends. I am beyond furious and I feel so betrayed. However, because we have children, we are committed to making it work. Sometimes, I doubt this decision because things are so strained between us. My husband will not open up to me. He doesn’t say more than a string of words to me in any given day. Even small talk seems like a huge effort. I want him to talk to me and tell me why he had this affair, how he feels about me now, and what he envisions for our future. But I can’t get more than a couple of grunts out of him. The sad thing is that the communication was always really good in our marriage. I always stressed that he could tell me anything. But those thoughts aren’t realistic now. Because we aren’t communicating at all, even about the little things. How can we rebuild the communication so that we can start to save and rebuild our marriage?” I will offer some tips on how to do this in the following article.