Victor dá cambalhota para impressionar mulherada, mas quase cai no palco | Vai Dar Namoro

Com a máscara do Homer Simpson, Victor, foi ao programa para encontrar sua “Marge ”. Ao entrar, o auditor contábil deu uma cambalhota para impressionar as participantes, mas quase caiu. Seu último relacionamento terminou por brigas e ciúmes. Será que ele vai ter sorte desta vez?

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Do You Want To Find Out If Your Wife Is Cheating?

Cheating is an act that hurts the other person very dearly. It is important to prevent cheating because it occurs or find out as soon as possible in order to resolve the situation or break-up once and for all. Find out the signs that shows your wife is cheating or not.

I’m Waiting For The Other Woman To Make A Mistake, But She Never Does – When Will She Be Herself?

“My husband is cheating with a young gold digger. I know that this sounds harsh, but it is frankly true. She is young and pretty and poor. She has no education. She has no skills. She has nothing going for her other than the fact that she attracted my husband to her. When I tell my husband this, he tells me that I’m completely wrong about her. He insists that she loves him for who he is. It is very hard for me to keep a straight face when he says this. She loves a middle aged man who is overweight? Give me a break. I am pretty sure that before long, her greediness is going to start to show. My friends tell me that I should just bide my time. They say that her little gold digging will eventually come through. I suspect that this might be true. But, how long is it going to take? It is so hard for me not to give my husband a earful about this. I feel like he’s such an idiot for not seeing this. How long until he comes to his senses?”

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