Assessoria de P.A. pede expulsão de equipe na SPFW 2022: “enquanto não sair, não começa”

No ‘TV Fama’ desta terça (07), um dos repórteres do programa viveu uma situação não muito agradável durante a SPFW2022. De acordo com o mesmo, a assessoria de Paulo André pediu a saída do repórter. #TVFama

My Husband Has The Nerve To Want Me Back When He Cheated On Me Twice

The first time my husband cheated on me, I truly wanted to believe that it was an isolated incident. He had cheated while traveling and he was drinking. I thought that as long as he changed jobs so that he didn’t travel anymore, we would continue on with our marriage which was otherwise happy. I never expected for him to cheat on me again. But he did. That’s when it dawned on me that the first time was not an isolated incident. And I could not be married to someone like that. So I left. Last week, I was getting coffee and my husband and I ran into each other. We didn’t say much at the time. But later, he called me and told me how much he missed me and he promised that if I would take him back, he would change. He kept saying that he would prove it to me. I’m kind of ashamed, because just for a while, I started to fantasize about taking him back. Can repeat cheaters ever be rehabilitated if they want to make their marriages work?

It’s Obvious That My Husband Really Cares About The Other Woman, But He’s In Denial

“The other woman told me about the affair. If she had not come forward, I might sill not know about it. My husband tried to deny it at first, but the other woman gave me letters in my husband’s handwriting that were obvious proof, so he finally had to admit it. The problem I have now is that my husband is trying to claim that he really didn’t care for the other woman and he’s perfectly fine with ending the relationship now. I know that this isn’t true because I have those letters. Plus, he is moping around here like he lost a limb. He says he was only saying what he thought she wanted to hear in the letters and he is moping around because he’s so ashamed of himself. I asked the other woman about his claims and she says that he is in denial. She says that he told her that he loved her all of the time. So I feel pretty sure that my husband was and is in love with this woman. But I just can not move on until he admits the truth to me.”

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