Igor, estudante de direito de 22 anos, fez questão de cumprimentar cada uma das gatas ao entrar no palco do Vai dar Namoro. Depois de encarar a “Dança do Cabaré” ao lado de Rodrigo Faro e dos conselheiros amorosos, ele mostrou o julgamento que preparou para impressionar as meninas.
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The Importance of Surviving Your Spouse’s Affair
Before your spouse cheated on you, you made decisions based on facts. The more you knew about something the easier the decision. Can you make a good decision about your marriage being floored after finding out? Doesn’t that go against your principles of living? Find out the next step you should take after finding out your spouse cheated on you. It can mean your happiness.
Self-Talk, Attitude, and The Cheating SpouseYou are not to blame for your spouse’s attitude toward you or the marriage vows. One thing you were supposed to have an open communication between each other being husband and wide. If he/she had been telling you things like he/she was supposed to then it could have been handled in the marriage.